As usual, on Erev Yom Tov, in and around 770 was packed with Tzedaka collectors & Tzedaka Pushkas in every size, shape and color imaginable were "begging" to have some money come their way. Before Kol Nidray, the Zal upstairs where the Rebbe would always give the "Birchas Habonim" was set up just like the days of old. The Zal was packed wall to wall with Bochurim saying Tehillim, they also sang Niggunim. Those who could not fit in the Zal, stood in the hallway & in the "chotzer" by the windows. RAIN! RAIN! RAIN! The weather from Erev Yom Tov until after was filled with Gishmay Brocha. One longtime Crown Heights resident said he never remembers it ever raining so much. "A drizzle here and there yes. But so much rain never." he said. The rain was so heavy that some people who walked from as "far away" as Montgomery and Albany had the black dye from their hats running down their faces on the way into Shul for Kol Nidray. Following Maariv the majority of the crowd remained in 770 to recite Tehillim. R' Berel Lipsker was the Chazzan for Tehillim. On Yom Kippur day downstairs in 770, during the break between Mussaf and Mincha, there were Minyonim for Mincha Kriah happening all over Shul with Maftir Yonah being sold. The auctioning from the main Bima had the proceeds going to Shleimus Haaretz while the others were auctioned off by Israeli Bochurim to raise money for various projects. The weather for Yom Kippur was B"H very nice. Due to the rain, the crowd for the break-the-fast refreshments organized by Nochum Markowitz and sponsored by Ok Kosher was much smaller than usual. Listed below are the Chazzonim for Kol Nidray = KN, Shachris = S, Mussaf = MU & Neila = N as well as the recipient of Maftir Yonah = MY @ 770, Rebbe's room and @ the Ohel. 770
KN - Rabbi Mottel Berkowitz
S - Rabbi Zalman Goldstein
MU - Rabbi Shmuel Butman
MY - Chaver HaBadatz Rabbi Avrohom Osdoba
N - Rabbi Mottel Berkowitz
Rebbe's Room
KN - Rabbi Nochum Kaplan
S - Rabbi Mendel Schneerson
MU - Rabbi Nochum Kaplan
MY- Rabbi Yehuda Krinsky
N - Rabbi Fitche Offen
KN - Rabbi Sholom Duchman
S - Rabbi C.D. Laine
MU - Rabbi Sholom Duchman
MY- Rabbi Chaim Boruch Halberstam
N - Rabbi Sholom Duchman
*Lerech 350 people spent YK @ the Ohel.
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